1. Big Blank Theme
Big Blank Theme provides you a blank responsive starter theme, with minimal styling and semantic HTML5. Its basic stylings include common elements such as headings, image alignments, comments and forms.
2. Bones
Bones adopts the mobile-first approach and is responsive. SASS files are included to kickstart the styling on your theme project. It comes with preloaded Custom Post Types and Custom Dashboard Functions for you to customize the admin area on the dashboard.
3. Blank WordPress Bower Grunt
Blank WordPress Bower Grunt is armed with Grunt and Bower and is ready to use with SASS Compass for styling the design. This theme also includes theformat-{POST TYPE}
files that separate into each format types, such asformat-gallery.php
, format-quote.php
and so on.
4. BST
Fully integrated with Bootstrap 3, BST comes with features such as WordPress menu position with Bootstrap navbar, Bootstrap pagination for blog index and category pages, and also a Visual editor stylesheet, which allows you to get the same visual style on the text-editor and on the frontend interface.
5. Compass
Compass is a boilerplate for your custom WordPress theme with advanced features, built using modern tools like Grunt, Sass, Bourbon and Hybrid Core.
6. Cornerstone
Cornerstone integrates the Zurb Foundation Responsive Framework on providing WordPress starter theme. It’s lightweight, responsive and SEO friendly.
7. Cutlass
Root-based Cutlass is a WordPress starter theme which gives you the advantages of Blade, a template engine that allow you write code more quickly. Cutlass includes Bootstrap 3 and Font Awesome by default and Gulp.
8. DevDmBootstrap3
Armed by Bootstrap 3, DevDmBootstrap3 comes with clean codes and you can make child themes that run on top of this theme. This Cleanblog theme is a great example.
9. FoundationPress
FoundationPress uses Foundation 5 for base styling and let you turn this starter theme into an advanced responsive theme. FoundationPress contains essentials needed to help you start build WordPress themes on any design. It includes SASS files to make styling easier, and Grunt.
10. Html5blank
Html5blank is a minimalist theme with simple styling, suitable for development. Html5blank has plenty of awesome productivity and core features to make development easier.
11. JointsWP
JointsWP is a blank theme made with Foundation 5, giving you basic styling to develop a WordPress theme further. Integrated with Foundation, JointsWP is responsive, and includes JavaScript features such as off-canvas navigation. For styling, JointsWP has included a SASS file to make it easier to expand the styles.
12. Quark
Quark is made based on Underscores and TwentyTwelve. You will find the built-in Options Framework theme, which makes it easier to add cutom options on your theme.
13. Sage
Sage is a starter theme developed by Roots, with an advanced workflow to write styles in LESS/SASS, check JavaScript error, synchronized browser testing and other tasks which are automatically run by Gulp. It uses Theme wrapper, Root’s way to keep you use clean code in building theme.
14. Simon WP Framework
Simon WP Framework is a free, open source WordPress Theme and WP Framework. The Mission: to assist in rapidly creating and deploying WordPress driven websites. Key features include: it’s free, responsive, widget ready, supports post formats, child theme ready
15. Sprig
Spig comes with the Twig template engine, allowing you to write less code and develop quickly. Sprig includes Bootstrap and Foundation, Gulp and Bower and useful functions from Underscores and Roots to make your development more easier.
16. _tk
_tk is integrated seamlessly with Bootstrap to give you a good-looking minimal starter theme. It also comes with wp-bootstrap-navwalker, a custom WordPress nav walker class that fully works with Bootstrap. The _tk code is based on Underscores.
17. Underscores
Underscores is built by most developers of Automattic. Underscores comes with simplicity and best practices for theming, minimal functions and styles — a great for starting point for developing your own theme.
18. WordPress Bootstrap
WordPress Bootstrap come with features such as Multi-Lingual in 7 diferent language, page templates (e.g. homepage, standard page with sidebar, full width page, etc.), theme options panel, shortcodes, and sidebars.
19. WordPress Starter Theme
WordPress Starter Theme lets you build custom themes with SASS, AutoPrefixr, and HTML5 Boilerplate an includes modern web technologies such as Grunt for running tasks, and Browser Syncs for auto reloading the project across browsers.